Saturday, April 30, 2016

Enjoying the Silence


Since becoming a parent of two and adopting a puppy, I've developed a great appreciation for this concept. If you were to sit in our living room during a typical hour of the day, you would hear the sounds of our older son shrieking as he runs around the living room, barks of our puppy as she follows close behind him and the cries of our younger son as he reminds us that it has been long enough since his last feeding.

With so many little ones in the house, chaos has become the new normal for us. I don't know how my wife handles it day in and day out, but I am infinitely grateful that she does. The small windows of time when all of the planets are aligned and all of the kids are asleep are precious. No one is screaming or stomping or throwing things or getting into things they shouldn't. It's just pure, blissful silence.

If you have kids, I'm sure you know what I mean. If not, then you will. When moments of quiet come, just sit back and enjoy them. They allow for reflection on the blessing that kids are, however noisy they may be.

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