Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Just Do It

Such a simple phrase, but a powerful one nonetheless. "Just Do It" is a phrase that begs an individual to put aside all doubts and simply go for a goal. It's no wonder why Nike chose this tagline to brand its shoes. Many jocks and fans alike feel a sense of empowerment when they put on a pair, because Nike will help give them the boost they need to win the game.

Games are usually thought of as activities that involve competition like a sport such as basketball or a game of logic like chess. In reality, anything that sets up a goal to meet can be thought of as a game. Maybe you want to learn a new skill or move to a higher-ranking position at your job? Those are examples of goals that we set up for ourselves and the playing field is made up of our means to get there.

One of the critical parts of winning any game is to formulate a strategy. Just like the players on a team follow the plans laid out by the coach, people will spend hours or months reading and researching different ways to meet their goals. However, just like Nike's slogan, there's no point in putting so much effort into planning if you don't just do it.

This I think is the best way to pursue any goal. It's all too easy to build yourself up, only to let yourself slide back into the lazy pile of excuses a week or two later. The key is to just force yourself to take steps, however small, towards your goal each week and track your progress. You will be surprised at how far you come in a short amount of time. I've surprised myself from just practicing piano - a skill I thought I'd be a little too old to learn - two or three times each week for a couple months.

Make your goal into a game. Keep track of your progress and give yourself a reward for each landmark that you hit. Don't let yourself get discouraged if you start to slack because the journey to your goal isn't necessarily about being good at whatever you're learning, but about growing as an individual.

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